Introduce artificial intelligence into companies step by step

I can tell you from my practical experience, that you must not confuse artificial intelligence with science fiction. This is one of the most common mistakes when introducing AI in companies.

Excessive expectations reduce acceptance

AI projects must be described in detail and target a clear business benefit.

Artificial intelligence is not a silver bullet. Excessive expectations in the specialist departments reduce the acceptance of the AI. It has to be communicated very clearly, that business processes also change with the introduction – along with new approaches and technologies.

With the definition of a business case (Business process) so it is by no means done. The real challenge is the implementation of the individual steps of an AI project.

Define, testing and training a model go hand in hand with the
Monitoring and the most necessary adjustment of parameters.

Only then can a project be carried out successfully, when technical requirements are compared with the technological possibilities.

Is artificial intelligence new territory for the company or. the corporate division, so is strongly recommended, to gain initial experience with simple and uncritical processes.

A large database has a lot of potential for process improvement

Artificial intelligence reveals, that there is a great deal of potential in data for process improvement and the design of new processes. Ultimately, it is also the basis for new product developments.

It goes without saying, that the use of large amounts of data previously unknown perspectives on products, Reveals developments and customers.

It is very important to pay attention to this in this context, the quality of the data. Questioning and testing with a head and gut feeling are among the most important human tasks, even in the age of computers!

In the first step, artificial intelligence processes the data made available. Right or wrong – logical analyzes can (still) not done. Initially, there is no learning basis for this.

Don't make mistakes in limiting yourself to internal data sets. First the integration of external information, completes your system.

Even if I repeat myself: Selection of the relevant data and high data quality are the two most important parameters for the success of AI in companies.

Pattern recognition and process automation are classic introductory topics

The entry into artificial intelligence can be done in service companies as well as in the processing industry, who focus on pattern recognition and process automation, can be done with relatively little effort.

Simple rule-based and repetitive processes are the very best way to start the AI ​​age.

The implementation requires a manageable use of resources and the results can be seen quickly.

Efficient, Error-free and transparent company processes oppose chaotic and expensive processes. In addition to the improved operating result, stress-free employees are also unmistakable.

Artificial intelligence is often criticized as a job killer. However, these arguments are populist and in no way reflect actual developments.

Chatbots & Co. have become an indispensable part of business

Without question, text also provides added value- and image recognition as well as natural language processing (NLP). Everything that goes beyond the classic readout of forms, makes the crucial difference.

The recognition of language and texts only has to do with artificial intelligence to a limited extent. First to draw the interpretation and appropriate conclusions from it, makes the use of AI.

The insurance industry and the banking sector would no longer be possible in today's fast-moving world without the use of the above systems. Manual testing has long been replaced by artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize advertising

Today, advertising is used like shotguns: set up in highly frequented locations, hope that a person will notice these slogans and ultimately follow them.

The advertising industry is facing change. In just a few years, advertising with artificial intelligence will become more personal.

Many large-scale billboards will still appeal to the general public, but it depends on the situation.

Situational advertising

Artificial intelligence - Brain
Artificial intelligence – Brain

In the first step, generally valid and impersonal advertising is supplemented by situation-specific advertising. With experience and changing consumer behavior in the age of AI, AI advertising will be successful on a large scale.

Billions of euros are spent on advertising worldwide, which have no right to information or interest anyone. This is often not due to the ingenuity of the industry, but about it, that the advertisement appears in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Artificial intelligence will change this discrepancy! Digital poster frames will recognize the viewer in shop windows, assign it and then display appropriate advertising.

Facial recognition is already so advanced today thanks to AI, that in addition to clothing style, emotions are also taken into account (können). A young woman advertising perfume, recommending the travel agency around the corner to an older couple and a visit to the tanning salon to the attractive man, will be available to every shop owner in just a few years.

AI and advertising will merge

RollUp Banner and pop-up displays are out! Who cares, whether there is a graphic wall in a shopping center? Attention to such advertising is minimal. This is because, because you know, that advertising is general. Nothing is personal.

In contrast, artificial intelligence will recognize the needs of a person or possibly a group of people based on characteristics. Display relevant advertising messages, that arouses interest, is then as simple as it is easy.

Within a very short time, AI and advertising will naturally form a combination, which is still unimaginable to the masses today.
Advertising media can also direct crowds of visitors, so that the capacity utilization in shopping centers is more balanced.

Artificial intelligence dumber than the police allow

It may scare you, but artificial intelligence (Of) is actually dumber than many people believe.

In very specific specialist areas, AI is on a par with humans. But as soon as this area is left, the computer is in fact dumber than the police allow.

Every rat is even smarter than artificial intelligence! No exaggerated statement, but reality.

Do not worry. Until machines with the spectrum of knowledge, evaluations and corresponding actions of a person can compete, We will either be in old age or already eaten by worms.

Human brain not yet decoded

Artificial intelligence - fingerprint
Artificial intelligence – fingerprint

As background you should know, that scientists and biologists have not yet fully understood the human brain. So it's not surprising, that no computer is currently capable of, to simulate this.

If it is possible to completely decipher the structures and functions of the brain, It is only a matter of a few years before artificial intelligence automatically imitates this for your benefit.

Due to the current computing power of computers and the rapid development of quantum computers, there is no need to worry about computing power.

AI is very subject-specific

Learning a system about a very differentiated matter and allowing it to act autonomously, is the cornerstone of artificial intelligence. The progress here is unmistakable.

The more usable data there is and the learning phase is correspondingly pronounced, Machines make decisions and act more safely. The error rate is already well below that of human competitors.

This is how artificial intelligence detects cancer more reliably than experienced doctors. Also it is people since the year 2017 It has become almost impossible to win against chess computers or the Chinese board game Go.

AlphaGo Zero – successor of AlphaGo – approaches Go differently than a human. The software learns autonomously and perfects itself, that completely different moves come to light than people would realize.

It's not just artificial intelligence that can learn from humans, but can now also seriously benefit from computer knowledge and optimize their behavior.

Artificial intelligence is the key technology of the future

In the media and businesses is currently in good faith on artificial intelligence (Of) spake.

By half-knowledge and wishful thinking are mind games, Concepts and ideas in circulation, that the technology will not meet.

Neither is artificial intelligence, only one advanced programming along the lines of, if not answer “A” also not “B” can be, then it must be even “C” be. This representation dominate the programming already for ages and it is up to the programmer to use these advanced features.

On the other side are allegations, that artificial intelligence eradicate mankind, just utopia and the fact, that soon robot humanity “take over”.

Artificial intelligence is only as smart as the programmers

Artificial intelligence - Kopf
Artificial intelligence – Kopf

There may be legitimate fears and concerns, but never forget: the machines and the applications of artificial intelligence can only be so smart, be mobile and adaptable, as its programmer permits. Apart from a few fellow human beings, programmers are up to no harm.

By the way, I wouldn't go with AI “Artificial intelligence” translate, but the term “Future computer science” is more appropriate.

Chatbots or Amazon Echo (Alexa) are examples of everyday applications, where artificial intelligence is used. Whether useful or not, I want to exclude it.

Wer Amazon Echo (Alexa) known since its market launch, notices the increase in content and the ever-better understanding of the terms month after month. Nowadays the results are too precise, that you can have dialogues with the machine and get useful answers.

AI is nothing new in the industry

In a certain way, machines have been intelligent for years or even decades.

Through a quantum leap in processor performance and expanded sensor technology options as well as the millisecond-fast evaluation of large amounts of data, Recently, new possibilities for analysis and action have only become available. Real-time decisions are thus possible – artificial intelligence!

The desire for autonomous driving has dominated the debate about artificial intelligence since the year 2017/18 increasingly brought into the public eye.
Until then, scientists were able to quietly advance technological developments.

There is a real hype around AI at the moment. With all the foregoing- and disadvantages.

I can only recommend that you monitor developments closely. Approaching new technology with common sense will probably be the best solution.

Not all developments will survive the next few years, it is also up to you to promote positive applications.

Artificial intelligence defined in a nutshell

Big Data - Internet
Big Data – Internet

With all the euphoria and hype, the term artificial intelligence belongs (Of) first explained.

To the chagrin of science, there is no exact definition, which is why many things and technologies creep in, which have nothing to do with AI.

It hurts in the head, which journalists sometimes advertise as artificial intelligence. Many a pioneer would turn in their grave.

Artificial intelligence is after the statues of the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) Teaching human behavior to computers.

A little more technical can also be said:

Perceive -> Understand -> Act -> Learn

The skills described above represent a gross simplification.

If you say now, that even previous computers and mainframes were, according to your perception, productive through input - processing - output, then I agree with you.

The real news about artificial intelligence is learning and understanding.

Thanks to the ability to learn, systems can also be trained and thus achieve better results than with conventional methods, which just stare at, clearly defined and firmly programmed processes (regulate) based.

Weak AI supports people

For a better understanding and limitation, a distinction is made between weak AI and strong AI.

The weak AI is, when it comes to, to intelligently support people in achieving their goals. Human interaction <-> Machine z. B. by an industrial robot, who works with people.

If you talk about technology today, then it usually refers to the weak AI.

The strong AI is still a long way off and is more at home in Hollywood.
In short, the strong AI aims to imitate humans.
There, too, development is unstoppable, But as far as I know, there are currently no application fields for strong AI that are ready for series production.

Pocket calculators don't have artificial intelligence

Inevitably, sooner or later the question arises, whether a calculator also includes artificial intelligence. No!
A calculator does not evaluate any results, does not assign any meaning to results and does not take any independent actions with the results.


Many terms and methods are not included in this article for the sake of simplicity. This would go beyond the simplicity of the article. Das KI-Lexikon is gradually expanded to include the most common terms of artificial intelligence.