Artificial intelligence in times of Corona

Artificial intelligence (Of) has long since arrived in our everyday life. Independently of the corona crisis and suggestive financial crisis, independently operating programs are normal.

Perhaps some of the processes are yours, which are related to artificial intelligence, not consciously or already so involved in everyday life, that you no longer attach any importance to them. You don't need either!

Anyway, that's what I'm saying, that artificial intelligence is so firmly anchored there, despite all the financial problems in industry and the service sector, that AI can no longer be dismantled.

Lots of people are coming right now – whether entrepreneurs or employees – up to me and ask, whether artificial intelligence still has a future.
The question is legitimate. After all, the artificial intelligence hype began in the year 2018-19 still (fast) Full employment and development budgets seemed infinite.

The foundations of modern developments can be explained by finance- and do not stop economic crises. It has been like that for the past few centuries, that great inventions emerged from major crises.

The crisis will give AI a new boost

The focus will change: the further Development of self-driving cars will surely take a back seat. More and more automobile manufacturers will enter into collaborations (must) and thus knowledge in the field of autonomous driving is also shared.

Of course, there will also be further groundbreaking advances in mobility, but not at the same pace as before the crisis year 2020.

Development costs are reduced across all industries. Naturally, the focus will initially be on returns – research does not have a good hand here.

As things stand at the moment, only a few companies will have money left over for developments, that do not bring huge amounts of money into the till in a very short time.

Rather, artificial intelligence sees a development spurt there, where technology helps and supports people in everyday life. Cheap labor is increasingly being replaced by machines. Intelligent machines will continue to change people's everyday lives.

Industrial robots are becoming even smarter and smartphones are even more merging virtual life with our reality. Direct applications are optimized, but completely new developments take longer.

Ultimately, artificial intelligence cannot be stopped! The current economic- and the financial crisis will give AI a new boost. No longer at the speed of sound, but in the steps, which increase the acceptance of artificial intelligence among citizens.

Artificial intelligence or artificial stupidity?

ob, ob (Of) ob.

ob, ob, ob.

ob. ob. ob, ob. ob!

ob, However, the software continues to develop with your own experiences. Comparable to a child: Nature and parents give the child knowledge, but the young person learns and draws conclusions himself.

AI decisions can only be interpreted

Transfer this to AI, is still one of the biggest challenges. Understanding and interpreting computer decisions, why he acted like that in the situation, is a separate branch of AI research. Development is certainly still in its early stages here.

The first legal cases arise in connection with artificial intelligence, then it will be more exciting than ever. Judges will ask, why the computer acted like that. Based on my current knowledge, you can only present answers with assumptions and probabilities. A challenge for every democratic legal system, where it just “and” oder “no” gives as an answer.

If we want to better understand these new technologies and their effects, then we should first look at the learning data. The foundation for interpretations or actions of artificial intelligence is usually hidden there.

There are cases, where AI is accused of racism. This is complete nonsense. Either the source code is written accordingly or the basic data was insufficient. Are dark-skinned people viewed as monkeys?, It's mostly because of that, that predominantly light-skinned people served as models during the learning phase. Zoo visits were also involved and monkeys were marked as such, then the result is not surprising.

As a conclusion one can say:: Artificial intelligence is only as smart as the data provided. The more learning data and experiences a system has, the more accurate the decisions become.

AI is always faced with challenges when it comes to evaluating images

What seems logical and clear to people in pictures, can be a huge challenge for artificial intelligence.

Image noise and knowledge logic require new solutions

Basically, two subject areas pose more or less major problems for artificial intelligence in image evaluation. This is the aleatory (random noise on objects) and the epistemic model.

Epistemic logic is one example, when Artificial Intelligence cannot distinguish a street from the sidewalk next to it, because both elements are made of asphalt.

In 3D recordings, this can perhaps be solved through the third dimension. However, such image sources are always available? Probably only in very few cases.

Live evaluation in autonomous driving is still not possible due to a lack of computing power and a certain level of uncertainty, the 3. dimension in this fineness.

In general, this problem can be solved in the learning phase, if you provide the system with further data and the algorithm approaches it with probabilities, that in our example there is a sidewalk next to the road.

When it ultimately comes down to human safety, objects and machines, Probabilities alone are a poor solution.
In such a sensitive environment, further safeguards must be installed. Whether it's radar electronics or distance sensors, must be tested in case of doubt.

For pure image recognition such as X-rays or similar, The algorithm can only be kept under control through an extended learning phase.

Aleatorics easier to solve

The random noise in images (Random) In many cases, this can be contained with higher resolutions. But there is also something to consider, that this can also trigger other sources of error. If the accuracy is too high, you can create new problem areas – depending on the available image material.

For explanation: In aleatorics, blur does not mean the entire image, but the demarcation of objects from one another. A traffic light or a tree trunk can be perceived by the software as jagged or stepped. No problem for a human, However, it is a disruptive factor that should not be underestimated for the program logic.

If there is enough computing power available, The most elegant solution is often to solve the aleatorics in software. With the help of artificial intelligence and an extensive learning phase, image noise can be minimized.

Instinctive actions only under laboratory conditions

Both subject areas are particularly important in the mobility industry. Heavy rain or even snowfall have so far been difficult problems for image recognition in the field of artificial intelligence. For humans it is instinctively clear, that a snowflake on the window or on a sensor does not pose a dilemma – What and how can you prevent artificial intelligence in an autonomous vehicle?, in this case, initiate emergency braking.

Based on my current knowledge, ultimately only a combination of several systems will ensure safe movement. Until artificial intelligence is ready and can reliably interpret human instincts in traffic, years will pass.

When aleatorics and the problems of the epistemic logic of knowledge are solved, is a huge step towards fully autonomous regional driving- and long-distance train done. In contrast to road traffic, the rules and sources of error in rail traffic are more manageable.

Complexity should not be underestimated

I am aware, that the topic is much more complex. To introduce laypeople to the topic, I allowed myself, only the most serious construction sites need to be mentioned.


Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows.
Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows.

Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows

Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows. Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows.

Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows. Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows, Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows. Technically possible, but the installation- and operating costs should not be underestimated.

The mistake must also not be made, to rely everything on a location technology. For example, many smartphone users have GPS tracking because of fears about high battery consumption and because of (alleged) Paranoia deactivated.
In order not to exclude this certainly considerable group of visitors from the trade fair experience, must have compatible systems from WLAN- and radio cell location can be used. The technology may sound imprecise, However, the location is as precise as with GPS.

Gut, the technology is there! However, before I take the quickest route to the exhibitor “XY” can be guided, the organizer has to do his homework.
In the modern age is (fast) the whole world is digitized. In German, each building is shown on a map. The streets with names and house numbers are also stored.
However, trade fairs are places, where literally, Entire cities are torn down and rebuilt overnight. Each event has its own map!

The solution sounds simpler than it really is. Almost every organizer plans their exhibition digitally on the drawing board. Stand areas are cataloged like properties, However, the stand number must include a number of details such as the exhibitor's name and industry affiliation(in) be supplemented. Are all programs compatible with each other?, then this is not a challenge, but only then.

The trade fair experience can begin

With the appropriate app you can now search for exhibitors and visit them on site within a few minutes without any problems.
Do everything today- and plannable!

It will be interesting, when artificial intelligence is involved. The simplest form of this is, if the route to the exhibitor selected above is chosen in this way in the event of rain or snow, that the navigation takes you through warm exhibition halls through the rain - even if the journey time is a few moments longer.

However, many visitors shy away from organizer apps. Sometimes that’s because of it, that to this day it often contains little more than a list of exhibitors and information about the supporting program. This is not real added value.

This can be counteracted, if the app – just this app – includes a free ticket for local transport and you can also get the admission ticket at a discount. This ensures contact and acceptance to a certain extent.

Simple and intuitive operation reduces further fear of contact. The challenge lies in this too, just to provide the viewer with the information, that are currently relevant to him.

Digital trade fair companion can do more

However, the digital trade fair companion is only just getting exciting, if it is possible as a visitor to create an individual visit list, the app chooses the cheapest route between these exhibitors and ultimately it is possible to arrange fixed visit appointments with exhibitors.

To shoo from one corner to the other on the exhibition grounds, may appeal to sports enthusiasts, is not however not useful, if you only have a limited time window to visit the trade fair. Time costs money!

Sophisticated route planning with adjustable breaks for conversations or. the integration of trade fair dates that have already been agreed, optimize the functional package.

The corresponding reminder function is shown on the display, that you are now on your way to the appointment with the company “Z” should do, the trade fair-specific route planner calculates based on the respective position on the site.

You can round off the topic of time planning with reminders, if you have to leave the exhibition grounds, to catch the scheduled train or plane. However, this requires integration into the personal appointment calendar on the smartphone.

Exhibitor recommendation based on algorithms

You can go one step further, if the app based on the previously selected favorites (Exhibitor) suggests other companies to the visitor, who belong to the industry and may offer a similar portfolio. At trade fairs from over 1.000 Exhibitors find it difficult to keep an overview. Recommendations are welcome.

Exhibitors can also be searched for with defined preferences and interests of the user. An optional preliminary query in the app or using your Google search history can provide conclusions.

You can also take it to the extreme … Visitors also go to my marked favorites and then to the company for a longer period of time “Z”, then the assumption is obvious, that this exhibitor could also be interesting for me. Now display a recommendation to visit, would be a real added value!

A simple query after visiting the stand via pop-up, whether the recommendation was good, allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality of the data collected so far.

This can take the wind out of the sails of the endless discussion with exhibitors about good and bad locations in the halls. Individual trade fair planning also ensures better utilization of the halls.

It makes no sense to send a visitor to a trade fair stand, where a large number of visitors are already staying – then choose another path and appear there, when the audience has dispersed again.

Resolvable obstacles are data protection, the live evaluation of visitor patterns and the required computing power. Because trade fairs usually only last a few days, is the time to “Learn” of the algorithm is extremely tight. After all, every event starts at “null”.

Chatbots can be used additionally

Chatbots also need to be fed content. However, this can be expanded for specific trade fairs. Past experiences can also be incorporated.

Multilingualism and adaptation to the respective trade fair – as long as the topics are not cross-topic – represent small hurdles. In context to the previous statements.

Questions will most likely be similar regardless of the event. Starting with questions about building regulations, On- and dismantling times, on topics such as exhibitor searches through to the appointment- and departure.

Anyone who builds and interacts between apps, (language-based) Chatbot and the visitor and exhibitor are the first to master it, becomes a technology carrier! A head start, which is priceless.

Added value determines acceptance

At the end of the day, it's all about the exhibitors- and increase visitor loyalty using the latest technology. Only if everyone involved has significant added value compared to competing events, the effort is worth it.

In addition to the actual trade fair visit, travel and overnight stays must also be taken into account.

Another added value: App to connect to special offers from booking portals (,, etc.) add to – Brokerage commissions are not insignificant. Also the inclusion of Airbnb, mytaxi. de in Germany and Uber abroad are worth considering.

I am convinced, that great trade fairs have failed at certain locations, because the surrounding infrastructure is not worthy of the exhibition center.

In the highly competitive trade fair landscape, this is what counts “Return on Invest” (ROI). Trade fair locations can be exchanged, just like the events themselves. However, poaching takes a back seat, if the service package is right.

Keeping up with trends and not promoting data protection

Trade fairs are increasingly changing from large marketplaces for the sectors and regions to innovative performance shows. The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people, The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people.

The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people

The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people. The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people, The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people. The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people, The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people.

The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people, The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people. The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people. The transparent citizen is the horror vision of data protection officers and the people, At the end of the day, it's better than having technology thrown at you, where one can only hope, that the data is not used improperly.

If you don't understand my theory, then please think about WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter & Co. First there is an app in circulation, you can't escape the trends.

For example, there are very good European competing products to WhatsApp. However, the development was initially slowed down by data protectionists. In the end, the instant messaging service has overrun the American and European continents. Protection of personal data is limited to a minimum.

Think outside your own box

Always “no” say and live in a glass house, could perhaps have been done in the past. Since humanity has been as closely connected to one another via the Internet as ever, you have to think outside the box.

Some technological developments may be worrying. Even I see it that way. However, I think so, that many things will be regulated by the market and acceptance. To Uber, airbnb & Co. you can stand however you want, but the portals are not a threat to world peace! As reported almost panicked by the press.

The over-regulated taxi market in Germany needs to be reformed. The guild doesn't like it, However, the travel costs are sometimes outrageous. As with apartment rentals.

The Internet simply responds to people's desires! If the market wasn't there, The popularity of the placement portals would not be so high.

The population in a democratic country cannot be sealed off permanently. In my opinion, we should face up to technical developments and make the market more liberal in this area. Ultimately, every citizen is responsible and can decide for or against an issue if they are sufficiently informed.