Artificial intelligence is the key technology of the future

In the media and businesses is currently in good faith on artificial intelligence (Of) spake.

By half-knowledge and wishful thinking are mind games, Concepts and ideas in circulation, that the technology will not meet.

Neither is artificial intelligence, only one advanced programming along the lines of, if not answer “A” also not “B” can be, then it must be even “C” be. This representation dominate the programming already for ages and it is up to the programmer to use these advanced features.

On the other side are allegations, that artificial intelligence eradicate mankind, just utopia and the fact, that soon robot humanity “take over”.

Künstliche Intelligenz ist nur so schlau wie die Programmierer

Artificial intelligence - Kopf
Artificial intelligence – Kopf

There may be legitimate fears and concerns, but never forget: the machines and the applications of artificial intelligence can only be so smart, be mobile and adaptable, as its programmer permits. Abgesehen von ein paar wenigen Mitmenschen führen Programmierer nichts böses im Schilde.

KI würde ich im Übrigen nicht mitKünstlicher Intelligenzübersetzen, sondern der BegriffKünftige Informatikist passender.

Chatbots oder Amazon Echo (Alexa) sind Beispiele von alltäglichen Anwendungen, wo künstliche Intelligenz verwendet wird. Ob nützlich oder nicht, will ich ausklammern.

Wer Amazon Echo (Alexa) seit der Markteinführung kennt, merkt Monat für Monat den Zuwachs an Inhalten und dem immer besseren Verständnis der Begrifflichkeiten. Heutzutage sind die Ergebnis zu genau, dass man mit der Maschine Dialoge führen kann und nützliche Antworten bekommt.

KI ist in der Industrie nichts Neues

Auf eine gewisse Weise sind Maschinen schon seit Jahren oder gar Jahrzehnten intelligent.

Durch einen Quantensprung der Prozessorleistung und erweiterter Möglichkeiten in Sensorik sowie der Millisekunden schnellen Auswertung großer Datenmengen, stehen seit kurzem lediglich neue Möglichkeiten von Analyse und Aktionsmöglichkeiten offen. Echtzeitliche Entscheidungen sind so möglich – artificial intelligence!

Der Wunsch nach autonomen Fahren hat die Debatte über künstliche Intelligenz seit dem Jahr 2017/18 vermehrt in die Öffentlichkeit getragen.
Bis dahin konnten die Wissenschaftler in aller Stille die technologischen Entwicklungen vorantreiben.

In der Gegenwart ist um KI ein wahrer Hype entstanden. Mit all den Vor- und Nachteilen.

Ich kann Ihnen nur ans Herz legen die Entwicklungen genau zu beobachten. Der neue Technologie mit gesundem Menschenverstand gegenüber zu stehen wird wohl die beste Lösung sein.

Nicht alle Entwicklungen werden die nächsten Jahre überstehen, es liegt auch an Ihnen positive Anwendungen zu fördern.

Artificial intelligence defined in a nutshell

Big Data - Internet
Big Data – Internet

With all the euphoria and hype, the term artificial intelligence belongs (Of) first explained.

To the chagrin of science, there is no exact definition, which is why many things and technologies creep in, which have nothing to do with AI.

It hurts in the head, which journalists sometimes advertise as artificial intelligence. Many a pioneer would turn in their grave.

Artificial intelligence is after the statues of the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) Teaching human behavior to computers.

A little more technical can also be said:

Perceive -> Understand -> Act -> Learn

The skills described above represent a gross simplification.

If you say now, that even previous computers and mainframes were, according to your perception, productive through input - processing - output, then I agree with you.

The real news about artificial intelligence is learning and understanding.

Thanks to the ability to learn, systems can also be trained and thus achieve better results than with conventional methods, which just stare at, clearly defined and firmly programmed processes (regulate) based.

Weak AI supports people

For a better understanding and limitation, a distinction is made between weak AI and strong AI.

The weak AI is, when it comes to, to intelligently support people in achieving their goals. Human interaction <-> Machine z. B. by an industrial robot, who works with people.

If you talk about technology today, then it usually refers to the weak AI.

The strong AI is still a long way off and is more at home in Hollywood.
In short, the strong AI aims to imitate humans.
There, too, development is unstoppable, But as far as I know, there are currently no application fields for strong AI that are ready for series production.

Pocket calculators don't have artificial intelligence

Inevitably, sooner or later the question arises, whether a calculator also includes artificial intelligence. No!
A calculator does not evaluate any results, does not assign any meaning to results and does not take any independent actions with the results.


Many terms and methods are not included in this article for the sake of simplicity. This would go beyond the simplicity of the article. Das KI-Lexikon is gradually expanded to include the most common terms of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence manages charging stations for electric cars

Artificial intelligence - Electric car
Artificial intelligence – Electric car

Public charging stations will be the fuel pumps for electric cars on longer tours. AI already supports the driver in certain areas.

Modern cars – u. a. of the Mercedes EQC – provide the driver with a route in the integrated navigation system with charging stations close to their route. A great thing!

Is this charging station free on arrival? This question remains unanswered and is a matter of luck. The next step has to be, that you can reserve the charging station fully automatically for your arrival. The arrival time can be calculated quite precisely by the navigation system, taking into account the current traffic situation.

Charging times can also be calculated taking into account the individual parameters, so that time management can take place for each charging point. Networking can avoid long downtimes.

This is technically feasible without great effort. One obstacle is so far, that loaded cars often stay longer than necessary at the stations.

The first step is to notify drivers of the end of the charging process via text message. Who doesn't make room for the next one within a certain period of time, must expect additional costs.

Manufacturer-independent management necessary

Requirement for planning, Reservation and implementation of the vision is a central point, which manages all public charging stations regardless of manufacturer.

To offer the driver the greatest possible comfort, a form of billing must be found, which is modern and transparent.

Whether the billing takes place directly with the driver or an institution – Car manufacturer or automobile club – is interposed, can be set individually.

Build charging stations with common sense

My hair stands on end, when i hear, what a high number of charging stations in public spaces (allegedly) are necessary, to ensure an adequate supply.

According to an article in Handelsblatt (15.04.2019) require experts “until 2030 all in all 600.000 Charging points in public spaces, a million at the workplaces as well 10.000 Fast charging stations mainly at motorway service stations”.

14.000 We have petrol stations with approx. 160.000 Gas pumps

14.118 Gas stations (Stand: 2018) are currently available in Germany – unconfirmed information according to a total of approx. 140.000 – 160.000 Fuel pumps. At over 80 My. Vehicles with diesel / gasoline engines.

Even if the charging process for electric cars takes longer and it does 2030 7 My. planned e-cars, it will be a disaster over economically 600.000 set up public charging points.

Sufficient according to more realistic estimates 350.000 Charging points in parking lots in shopping centers, Leisure facilities as well as the envisaged 10.000 Fast charging points are completely out of the question, mainly near motorways.

Outside of the holiday season, very few people drive in one go beyond the average range of 400 km of an electric car.

Mobile charging stations bridge bottlenecks

During the holiday periods, mobile fast charging stations can be found at truck stops, Avoid service areas and bottlenecks along the transport hubs. Mobile charging stations in exhibition car parks and other event locations such as festivals or concerts are also an issue.

With a healthy basic supply where the action is (job, purchasing, leisure) Isn't it economic madness to provide an abundance of cheap infrastructure.

Artificial intelligence can be of great help in choosing and operating suitable locations.

I see them too 1 My. required charging stations in companies are critical.
Many employees live within a radius of 20 km around the place of residence and on the other hand is the job market – also thanks to artificial intelligence – so changing, that in a few years many jobs in factories will disappear and more and more home workplaces (Homeoffice) develop.

From today's perspective, the number may be correct, but by the end of this decade a far lower number is necessary.

Artificial intelligence replaces jobs

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs, Artificial intelligence will replace jobs.

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs, Artificial intelligence will replace jobs. Artificial intelligence will replace jobs.

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs, Artificial intelligence will replace jobs – Artificial intelligence will replace jobs, Artificial intelligence will replace jobs.

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs?

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs? Artificial intelligence will replace jobs “Artificial intelligence will replace jobs” Artificial intelligence will replace jobs.

Artificial intelligence will replace jobs 2018 Artificial intelligence will replace jobs, something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time: something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time.

something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time, something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time? No.
something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time.

something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time, something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time. something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time- something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time, something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time.

something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time

something that has been on everyone's lips in the management levels of companies for a long time, that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g. B. that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g.

that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g “that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g” (that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g) that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g, that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g.

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750 that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g. that in Asia robot technology is still a rarity in factories and therefore many more workers are needed for production than e.g

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the federal government in Berlin is struggling with the planned ones, the federal government in Berlin is struggling with the planned ones – the federal government in Berlin is struggling with the planned ones!

the federal government in Berlin is struggling with the planned ones

Es ist ein Irrglauben und schlichtweg Unfug, dass künstliche Intelligenz in Konkurrenz zur Menschheit tritt.

In Kinofilmen ist diese Vision vielleicht in Kassenschlager, aber die Realität sieht zum Glück anders aus.
Zum Glück? Wenn man sieht wie launisch und egoistisch Menschen gegenüber Mitmenschen und der Natur sind, so darf der Gedanke erlaubt sein, was wäre, wenn die künstliche Intelligenz gewisse Tätigkeiten ausführen würde.

Supermarkt ohne launisches Personal

Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass böse Blicke an der Kasse eines Supermarktes in wenigen Jahren der Vergangenheit angehören. Abgesehen von händischen Stichproben durch menschliches Personal.

Schon heute ist es praktisch möglich, dass ab dem Moment des Abladens vom Lastkraftwagen bis zu Ihrem Verlassen des Geschäftesmit gefülltem Einkaufswagenalle Tätigkeiten von Robotern und der Technik übernommen werden. And, es geht noch mehr, aber dazu gleich mehr.

Angefangen vom Einlagern, über das Auffüllen der Regale, die Aussortierung abgelaufener Produkte, die Nachbestellung neuer Ware bis hin zur Betriebsorganisation kann künstliche Intelligenz alle Aufgaben erfüllen.

Die Grenzen des derzeit Machbaren sind an der Wurst- und Käsetheke. Individuelle Aufgaben fallen noch in den Bereich des menschlichen Personals.

Produktberatung durch Kompetenz

Produktberatung an der Tiefkühltruhe und am Verkaufsregal werden über fernmündliche Kommunikation mit Mensch, Chatbots oder Touchscreens vollzogen.

Abhängig von der Anbindung an das schnelle Internet oder Nutzung von Echtzeitkommunikation mittels 5G, wird sich eine dieser Varianten in Zukunft bewahrheiten.

Mag vielleicht manchen Mitmenschen abschrecken, aber wenn man direkt zum Hersteller einer Soße verbunden wird und dort Fragen zur Zubereitung hat, ist mir dies lieber als wenn mir von einer nichts wissenden Verkäuferin gesagt wird, dass dies theoretisch so sein müsse.
Man sieht: Technik hilft und erhöht die Lebensqualität!

And, der Gedanke liegt nahe, dass sich der Tag nähert, an dem Geschäfte rund um die Uhr geöffnet haben. Auch unter dem Gesichtspunkt, dass zum Betrieb nur ein Bruchteil des heutigen Personals notwendig sind.

In einzelnen Industriezweigen ist oben genannte Vision in Teilen bereits Alltag. Jedoch fehlt noch die Vernetzung der einzelnen Techniken zu einem Verbund.

Supermarkt steht Gewehr bei Fuß

Ist kein Kunde im Geschäft, kann die künstliche Intelligenz den kompletten Supermarkt in einen Standby-Modus versetzen und beim Betreten des Eingangsbereiches werden zur Tageszeit passende Lichteffekte simuliert und die Rollläden an den Kühltruhen hochgefahren.

Es ist unverkennbar, dass die Gesellschaft immer weiter auseinander triftet. Die Arbeitswelt erhöht die Flexibilität, Mobilität und den Grad der Arbeit.

Es wird nur eine Frage der Zeit sein bis die Konsumenten strikte Öffnungszeiten ablehnen und dann einkaufen möchten, wenn Ihnen danach ist. Tankstellen mit Minishops sind nur der Anfang. In Kürze werden Supermärkte folgen.

Die Grenzen dieser Entwicklung wird in den ShoppingmallsEinkaufszentren – be. Boutiquen, Optiker & Co. werden weiterhin personalintensiv bleiben und moderne Technik nur unterstützend einsetzen.

Dass mir ein Roboter die Brille anzieht oder flächendeckende Typenberatung beim Friseur durch eine Maschine erfolgt, ist noch Utopie.

And, es gibt bereits SimulationenWie man sieht, wenn …”, aber dies ist nach meinem Kenntnisstand noch sehr diffus und die Akzeptanz noch in einem frühen Stadium.

Es wird eine Freude sein, wenn man noch aktiv mit einem anderen Menschen kommuniziert und deren Meinungen hören darf. Friseure werden auch weiterhin ein solcher Ort bleiben.