Artificial intelligence and advertising have huge untapped potential

Even if it is suggested to you, that advertising is up to date, don't believe it! The potential is almost inexhaustible.
You can also compare it to a gold mine, where finished gold bars are lying around waiting to finally be lifted.

Artificial intelligence and advertising are made for each other! All the more regrettable, that until today there are almost no serious applications to be found, which serve to promote digital sales.

Despite all the technical innovations, advertisements are still mostly advertised with rigid posters, as they have been for decades. And, admitted, many a billboard has given way to a flat screen or a large screen, but the watering can principle has remained: Advertising for everyone – no trace of individualization. Injury!

Maybe you already have an idea of ​​what I'm getting at: persons- and situational advertising.
Almost every advertiser and every agency now has a chill running down their spines: Privacy Policy – it does not work!

Incorrect, totally wrong. In simple words, what you see, Artificial intelligence can also see it! As you decide, who you speak to or give a flyer to, Artificial intelligence can also decide, which advertisement should be shown on the flat screen in this and that second.

Sounds simple, it is. Already in the year 2019 an advertising medium was developed, which is equipped with a camera, has a mini PC integrated and can offer advertising to people, which the operator has defined in advance.

Example please? People with very bad sunburns walk along the beach promenade, What better way to do it than with a sidewalk display / Customer stoppers in front of the pharmacy to advertise sunscreen and after sun lotion. Completely automatic.

A dirty car on the road can also be recognized without any problems. On a big screen – near the next traffic light – a car wash “around the corner” to recommend, will be well received.
Which of course you are not allowed to do, is to show the dirty car on the big screen and thus annoy the driver. A really stupid idea, Because displaying it is against the law in many countries and can also have a huge backfire in terms of a marketing campaign.

These are two everyday examples, which can, however, be refined as desired, including company-specific applications.