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ob, However, the software continues to develop with your own experiences. Comparable to a child: Nature and parents give the child knowledge, but the young person learns and draws conclusions himself.
AI decisions can only be interpreted
Transfer this to AI, is still one of the biggest challenges. Understanding and interpreting computer decisions, why he acted like that in the situation, is a separate branch of AI research. Development is certainly still in its early stages here.
The first legal cases arise in connection with artificial intelligence, then it will be more exciting than ever. Judges will ask, why the computer acted like that. Based on my current knowledge, you can only present answers with assumptions and probabilities. A challenge for every democratic legal system, where it just “and” oder “no” gives as an answer.
If we want to better understand these new technologies and their effects, then we should first look at the learning data. The foundation for interpretations or actions of artificial intelligence is usually hidden there.
There are cases, where AI is accused of racism. This is complete nonsense. Either the source code is written accordingly or the basic data was insufficient. Are dark-skinned people viewed as monkeys?, It's mostly because of that, that predominantly light-skinned people served as models during the learning phase. Zoo visits were also involved and monkeys were marked as such, then the result is not surprising.
As a conclusion one can say:: Artificial intelligence is only as smart as the data provided. The more learning data and experiences a system has, the more accurate the decisions become.